Sunday 18 May 2014

ITA Team First Survey


We have asked the members of ITA Team to share their opinions and feedback regarding the team and the project as a whole. Currently, we have 35 and out of 35, only 18 have taken the survey and shared their feedback. The creator of the survey is one of ITA Leader and he did NOT vote. That said, more than 50% of the members of ITA Team have voted already.

The results of the survey/poll are:



  1. 83% of the members are fully aware the goals and everything related to the team and they understand all that very well. Only 11% are still not fully aware of the goals. Therefore, we should make sure everyone is at the same boat.
  2. 83% of the members think the management of ITA Team is good/very good. 17% think it is average/bad. Therefore, we should work harder on our team/project management to exceed all the expectation. 
  3. While 58% of the members think the way (or the level of communication) the team communicate with each other is good/very good, 41% think it is average. Therefore, we do need to focus more on our internal communication and work harder to improve that.
  4. Whether Facebook is a good/reliable platform to be used by the team for their daily communications and project management; only 6% think Facebook is the best of all (1 vote) and only 6% (1 vote) think Facebook is the worse of all. The majority - 89% - think that regardless whether Facebook is good or not, it should NOT be used mainly for daily communications and project management. Therefore, there is already an approved plan to solve this. Also, there is an approved plan to define the usage of Facebook - please see the note on this blueprint. 
  5. Members of ITA have different opinion about the work pace (for the team and everything else). 17% only feel everything is as slow as a turtle and they feel bored already. 28% think everything is slow but they like that and happy with it. 28% think everything is normal and they see no problem at all. And 28% think everything is fast but they're already going the extra miles to cope with that rapid pace. While everything seems normal, we think we should notice that 17% + 28% (45%) already think the progress of the team is slow. Therefor, we should make sure no one is bored and no one can't actually cope with the work pace. 
  6. Only 6% (1 vote) think ITA Team in general is very bad. 70% think it is good/very good and 24% think it is average. While the majority believe everything is good, we should always work hard to exceed all the expectations and as long as 30% (6% + 24%) think the otherwise, we should work harder to improve the quality and we should start from ourselves.

We'd like to thank those 18 members who have taken the time to read, vote and share their opinion. We highly appreciate that.

That was our very first survey. We hope to carry on with such survey from time to time.

Thank you again and the action plan is has already been highlighted above :) it is with orange color and very visible.

The idea behind such surveys is NOT to make everyone happy as this is the key to failure:

The idea behind such surveys is actually to listen to each and every opinion in order to provide the best quality ever - that is our target from day one. While we can't be perfect, we can reach to the semi-perfection. Yes, nothing is impossible and yes, we can achieve that if we work together and work harder :) 

Thank you!

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