Monday 19 May 2014

iRQLinux Project - The First Iraqi Operating System

Dear Iraqis people,

ITA Team is glad and proud to announce the beginning of its very first project: iRQLinux Operating System - the very first Iraqi Operating System made by Iraqi people and based on GNU/Linux.

Our Roadmap is ready and to explain that in a very simple way, here is iRQLinux Roadmap which consist of two parts:

1- Non-Technical Roadmap: from 19th of May, 2014 - 1st of June, 2014

2- Technical Roadmap: from 1st of June, 2014 - the final release of iRQLinux

From this very moment, the brainstorming and the implementation of iRQLinux Non-Technical Roadmap has already started.

We're very happy with the official announcement of our first project. We ask God to guide and help us with our mission and we're 100% sure, as long as this is for a good cause, God will never let us down.

We shall communicate with you more details soon. However, you can have a look at this link.

As always, thank you for all your support and help and starting from now, we would like to invite you to support, help and contribute to the very first Iraqi Operating System made by the very first Iraqi Team (ITA) - we believe that we are the bright future of Iraq but we can't do that alone, we do need your help.

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Thank you!

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