Friday 30 May 2014

ITA Weekly Newsletter - issue #1

النشرة الاسبوعية للاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا  - العدد #1

 لكل المحبين و المتابعين لفريق الاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا، نود ان نقدم لكم فقرة او برنامج اسبوعي جديد (كل يوم جمعة) بعنوان: النشرة الاسبوعيه للاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا و هذا هو العدد الاول ان شاء الله.

الفكرة من هذه النشرة هي تقديم ملخص بأهم احداث و اخبار و برامج و كل ما تم نشره على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي للاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا في الاسبوع السابق او الماضي و ذلك لغرض ايصال الصوت و نشر الفائدة بين اكبر عدد ممكن من الناس و تسليط الضوء فقط على اهم المواضيع التي تم نشرها لكي يستطيع المتابع ان يتواصل مع فريقنا حتى لو كان مشغولا خلال الاسبوع فبنشرة اسبوعيه واحدة تلخص له اهم ما قد يكون مهم بالنسبة لاي شخص و هذه النشرة ان شاء الله سوف تستمر و تكون منوعة لاهم المواضيع - تابعوها.

اهم ما تم نشره سابقا
اخبار الفريق/الاكاديمية
  1. قناة الاكاديمية على اليوتيوب
  2. الفريق بحاجة لمبرمجين و مطورين
  3. صوتنا على الفيس بوك لا يصل الا لنسبه قليله جدا جدا من المتابعين - الحل هنا
  4. صفحة الاكاديمية على Google+
  5. صفحة الاكاديمية على تويتر
  6. تم التعاون مع المشروع العراقي للترجمه و تم الاتفاق على تبادل نشر المواضيع المفيدة بين الصفحتين و هذا اول تعاون حقيقي بين فريق الاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا و فريق اخر

دروس تعليمية
اخبار متفرقة

برامج الاكاديمية

مشاريع الاكاديمية

E-Learning: Java

التعليم الالكتروني - دروس جافا

اصدقاء و متابعين الاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا و لمن لم يستطع متابعه الجزء الاول من دروس جافا التعليمية التي تم نشرها على صفحة الاكاديمية على الفيس بوك؛ بالامكان الان ان تشاهد هذه الدروس التي تم وضعها في هذه القائمة.

مشاهدة ممتعه و مفيده ان شاء الله نتمناها لكم :)

    هذه الدروس برعايه و اشراف فريق التعليم الالكتروني - احد فرق الاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا

    هذا الجزء الاول من الدروس و ان شاء الله في الايام القادمة هناك المزيد - تابعونا :)

    Tuesday 20 May 2014

    ITA LiveTalk - First Time in Iraq

    السلام عليكم ...

    كما وعدناكم بتقديم كل ما هو جديد و مفيد منذ اللحظة الاولى لتأسيس فريق الاكاديمية العراقية للتكنلوجيا و كجزء بسيط من هذا الوعد يسرنا ان نعلن عن تقديم فقرة جديدة و لاول مرة في العراق و تحديدا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي و لا سيما الفيس بوك و هذه الفقرة باختصار هي

    الحديث الحي و المباشر ... هي ببساطة فكرة جديدة نود ان نقدمها للشعب العراقي من خلال فريقنا و هي باختصار ان اي متابع لصفحتنا على الفيس بوك ان يسمع او يشاهد احد اعضاء فريقنا و هو يتحدث على الهواء مباشرة مع الجميع من خلال:

    نحن نعلم انه في العراق لا توجد ثقافة استخدام الغير مألوف و لهذا لا نريد استخدام السكاي بي بل نصر على استخدام 

    للاسباب التالية:
    1- نحاول تقديم كل ما هو جديد و غير مألوف لكسر الروتين و تقديم الافضل للشعب العراقي.

    2- هناك ميزه تلقائية في الكوكل هانك اوت الا وهي التسجيل و يكون ما يسجل على اليوتيوب مباشرة و بهذا لا نحتاج لاي برنامج اخر.

    3- يمكن ل 10 اشخاص التواجد في نفس الزمان و التحدث مع بعض من غير الحاجة لاي برامج اضافيه سوى حساب على كوكل + جهاز كومبيوتر او موبايل + انترنت و فقط تحتاج لتنزيل Plug-in اذا كنت تستخدم الكوكل هانك اوت لاول مرة و بعد ذلك لا تحتاج لاي شي اخر سوى التحدث.

    4- يوجد غير ذلك من المميزات التي ندعوكم لاكتشافها بانفسكم.

    نعود للفكرة الفقرة الجديدة ...

    الفقرة سوف تكون على مواسم ان شاء الله و هذا يعتمد على تقبل و تفاعل الناس معها ... و ستكون على شكل حلقات في البداية قد لا تتجاوز الحلقة الواحدة 30 دقيقة فقط لكي تكون الحلقة خفيفة و مفهومه و تبث على الهواء و تعرض كل يوم اربعاء من كل اسبوع و من لم يستطع المتابعه على المباشر او البث الحي ف بالامكان الرجوع لليوتيوب.

    الهدف من هذه الفكرة هي التحدث مع الناس ففي العراق ... الشعب يتفاعل بشدة مع صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي و بالاخص الفيس بوك و في اغلب الاوقات لا يعرف من هم وراء هذه الصفحة او ان الصفحة لا تتفاعل مع تعليقات المتابعين و غيرها كذلك هذه الصفحات لا تتحدث مع متابعيها و لا تسمع منهم مباشره.

    الفكرة كذلك هي طرح موضوع للنقاش و في نفس الوقت يمكن ل 9 اشخاص المشاركة في نفس وقت البث (الحد الاقصى هو 10 اشخاص حسب امكانية الكوكل هانك اوت) و التحدث صوتيا مع مقدم الفقرة و الذي هو احد اعضاء الفريق و تسجل هذه المشاركه على اليوتيوب فيكون الصوت على اليوتيوب لمن يعجبه هذا الشي.

    و كذلك ايصال فكرة احيانا صوتيا افضل من كتابيا ...

    العديد من الاهداف المفيدة و التشجيع على التفكير خارج الصندوق او المألوف و ما الى ذلك و هذا كله من اجل عمل تغير في الواقع العلمي و اليومي للمواطن العراقي و تقديم كل ما هو جديد و مفيد.

     يوم غد ان شاء الله المصادف 21 - 5 - 2014 الاربعاء سوف يكون فيه بث الحلقه الاولى من الموسم الاول للبرنامج الجديد الذي نسأل الله ان يعجبكم و ينال رضاكم.

    لاي استفسار او اسئلة يرجى التعليق او مراسلتنا على صفحة الفيس بوك.

    شكرا لوقتكم و نلتقيكم غدا ان شاء الله :)

    Monday 19 May 2014

    iRQLinux Project - The First Iraqi Operating System

    Dear Iraqis people,

    ITA Team is glad and proud to announce the beginning of its very first project: iRQLinux Operating System - the very first Iraqi Operating System made by Iraqi people and based on GNU/Linux.

    Our Roadmap is ready and to explain that in a very simple way, here is iRQLinux Roadmap which consist of two parts:

    1- Non-Technical Roadmap: from 19th of May, 2014 - 1st of June, 2014

    2- Technical Roadmap: from 1st of June, 2014 - the final release of iRQLinux

    From this very moment, the brainstorming and the implementation of iRQLinux Non-Technical Roadmap has already started.

    We're very happy with the official announcement of our first project. We ask God to guide and help us with our mission and we're 100% sure, as long as this is for a good cause, God will never let us down.

    We shall communicate with you more details soon. However, you can have a look at this link.

    As always, thank you for all your support and help and starting from now, we would like to invite you to support, help and contribute to the very first Iraqi Operating System made by the very first Iraqi Team (ITA) - we believe that we are the bright future of Iraq but we can't do that alone, we do need your help.

    iRQLinux Blog

    iRQLinux Google+

    iRQLinux Twitter

    iRQLinux Facebook

    Thank you!

    Sunday 18 May 2014

    ITA Sub-Teams on Launchpad


    With the rapid growth of ITA Team and the first phase of ITA Sub-Teams is going really well with 10 Sub-Teams almost ready to start working on different projects, it became really important to have separate area for each Sub-Team. Therefore, we are glad to announce that each Sub-Team of the 10 has its own team + mailing list on Launchpad:


    All that is part of this new plan - Internal Communications & Sub-Teams Management - which is a must-do-step due to some communications problems we're facing (since we're currently using Facebook Groups to communicate) and it became so hard to go back to previous communicated information. Now, our communications and team management will be more organized. 

    We are on the right track, we are doing our best to improve our quality in each and every aspect. It is about time until we be fully organized and everything will be even better.

    Thank you for your support.This great progress and obvious improvements are undeniable. Thank you for everyone who helped to make this happened.

    Let's move forward ...

    Thank you!

    iRQLinux (AKA Ali)
    ITA Founder and HR TL

    Survey - The Evaluation of One of ITA Founders


    In order to be unique, you need to think differently, act differently and live differently. In order to be special, you do need to exceed all the expectations. If you wish to provide the highest quality, you are required to go the extra miles. Basically, these are the targets of ITA Founders and ITA Team. To achieve that, listening to people is not enough, we should also ask for their opinions and if we wish to go the extra miles, we be transparent, honest, clear and open to the world. Our target is definitely NOT to please everyone:

    Our target is to be different :)

    One of ITA Founders has asked the members of ITA Team their opinion but this time, it is not about the team but about himself. We highly believe this is needed and a must-do-step. That said, we're more than glad to share the results of that assessment (survey) - 17 members of ITA Team have taken the survey and shared their opinions as follows:

    Action Plan

    1. 12% think my ideas are average so I need to work harder to improve my ideas or at least improve the way I present an idea to the rest of the team.
    2. I definitely need to invest more time and efforts to improve my communications skills. While 59% think I'm good/very good in this, I must look at the other 41% who think my communication approach is average/bad. I have already started to work on this.
    3. 70% agreed to use English rather than Arabic. However, 30% think I should not focus 100% on writing in English. I'll do my best but in this point, I must say that I will follow the majority for one good reason: Learning is the key to unlock all the closed doors - this is what I believe in.
    4. I'm glad that 82% understand when I explain anything to them. 18% don't/can't understand from the first time so I will be nice and kind and make sure to make myself clear and direct to the point.
    5. I highly appreciate the valuable trust of 88% who think I'm a good founder but I must say that I have to focus on the 12% (2 votes) who think I deserve the average rate. I will go the extra miles and continue to improve myself in every aspect.
    6. Again, I'd like to thank 88% of those who shared their opinion about myself but I must look at the 12% and never be overconfident. Ego can kill the talent and more so being humble is my target and improve myself is my highest priority. 2 people think I deserve the average overall rate. Therefore, I must work really hard if I want to continue as a founder and leader of this team. There is no 2nd place, a winner is always  on the first place and I have failed to achieve that on my first assessment. I promise to work harder on myself before anything else.

    Thank you so much for all those who have taken the time to go through all the 6 Qs and voted. We appreciate that.

    There is zero difference between ITA Founder, Team Leader and Member. We're all the same, it is just that our tasks are different, that is all.

    We are a team of democracy and sharing opinions. NO dictatorship. Even though the founders have the full authority to decide and come up with some plans, nothing will be approved before discussing that with the rest of the leadership board (founders + team leaders). This is how we wish to carry on with ITA Team.

    Last but not least:

    Thank you!

    iRQLinux (AKA Ali)
    Founder of ITA Team and ITA HR Team Leader

    ITA Team First Survey


    We have asked the members of ITA Team to share their opinions and feedback regarding the team and the project as a whole. Currently, we have 35 and out of 35, only 18 have taken the survey and shared their feedback. The creator of the survey is one of ITA Leader and he did NOT vote. That said, more than 50% of the members of ITA Team have voted already.

    The results of the survey/poll are:



    1. 83% of the members are fully aware the goals and everything related to the team and they understand all that very well. Only 11% are still not fully aware of the goals. Therefore, we should make sure everyone is at the same boat.
    2. 83% of the members think the management of ITA Team is good/very good. 17% think it is average/bad. Therefore, we should work harder on our team/project management to exceed all the expectation. 
    3. While 58% of the members think the way (or the level of communication) the team communicate with each other is good/very good, 41% think it is average. Therefore, we do need to focus more on our internal communication and work harder to improve that.
    4. Whether Facebook is a good/reliable platform to be used by the team for their daily communications and project management; only 6% think Facebook is the best of all (1 vote) and only 6% (1 vote) think Facebook is the worse of all. The majority - 89% - think that regardless whether Facebook is good or not, it should NOT be used mainly for daily communications and project management. Therefore, there is already an approved plan to solve this. Also, there is an approved plan to define the usage of Facebook - please see the note on this blueprint. 
    5. Members of ITA have different opinion about the work pace (for the team and everything else). 17% only feel everything is as slow as a turtle and they feel bored already. 28% think everything is slow but they like that and happy with it. 28% think everything is normal and they see no problem at all. And 28% think everything is fast but they're already going the extra miles to cope with that rapid pace. While everything seems normal, we think we should notice that 17% + 28% (45%) already think the progress of the team is slow. Therefor, we should make sure no one is bored and no one can't actually cope with the work pace. 
    6. Only 6% (1 vote) think ITA Team in general is very bad. 70% think it is good/very good and 24% think it is average. While the majority believe everything is good, we should always work hard to exceed all the expectations and as long as 30% (6% + 24%) think the otherwise, we should work harder to improve the quality and we should start from ourselves.

    We'd like to thank those 18 members who have taken the time to read, vote and share their opinion. We highly appreciate that.

    That was our very first survey. We hope to carry on with such survey from time to time.

    Thank you again and the action plan is has already been highlighted above :) it is with orange color and very visible.

    The idea behind such surveys is NOT to make everyone happy as this is the key to failure:

    The idea behind such surveys is actually to listen to each and every opinion in order to provide the best quality ever - that is our target from day one. While we can't be perfect, we can reach to the semi-perfection. Yes, nothing is impossible and yes, we can achieve that if we work together and work harder :) 

    Thank you!

    Sunday 4 May 2014

    Roadmap for ITA Phase 1 Sub-Teams

    Dear all,

    Last night (3rd of May, 2014), ITA Leaders (Founders + Team Leaders) had the weekly meeting. We have decided the following:

    Starting from today (4th of May, 2014), The Team Leaders of ITA Sub-Team, according to this approved blueprint, will start - each one of them - to work on a roadmap for their teams.

    The Team Leaders will discuss their ideas and visions with the members of their team. Once their roadmap is ready, they will send it to the founders of ITA for final review and approval. 

    In case the roadmap will be approved, ITA Team will announce the roadmap of the Sub-Teams for Phase 1.

    In case a roadmap will not be approved, the founders and the team leaders will discuss together until they clear any possible confusion.

    Basically, ITA Team Leaders have 7 days (until 10th of May, 2014) to finish their roadmaps and discuss with their teams' members. 

    ITA, as announced previously, will have 10 Sub-Teams as the first phase.

    Currently, these are the Sub-Teams we have with their members and team leaders:

    Please see this blueprint.

    Phase 1 Sub-Teams:

    1- Documentations
    2- Games
    3- GNU/Linux
    4- Marketing & Communications
    5- Networking & Internet
    6- Quality Assurance (QA) - Testing/Bugs
    7- Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers)
    8- Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing)
    9- Scientific Research & E-Learning 

    10- Human Resources and Management

    Team Leaders and Ready Sub-Teams:

    1- Documentations - Mustafa Farid
    2- Games - Wissam Moussa
    3- GNU/Linux - Moustafa Mahmoud
    4- Networking & Internet - Sarmed
    5- Graphics & Visualization (Graphics Design and Video Editing) - Haider Max
    6- Scientific Research & E-Learning - Mussab Aswad

    Sub-Teams NOT yet ready:
    1. Marketing & Communications - Urgent need to a Team Leader + Members
    2. Quality Assurance (QA) -  need a Team Leader + Members
    3. Programming Languages (Developers and Programmers) - need a Team Leaders (there are many members)
    4. Human Resources and Management - Urgent need to a Team Leader + Members 

    Action Plan:

    • Team Leaders (the ready Sub-Teams) will send an email to ITA Mailing List.
    • Members of ITA Sub-Teams need to discuss with their Team Leaders and come up with agreed-on roadmap for their teams.
    • Once a roadmap is ready, it should be send to ITA Founders for Final Approval.
    • If a roadmap is not approved, a meeting is required with the corresponding Sub-Team.

    Everyone is required to work as one team and help the Team Leaders to finalize the roadmaps. Your help and support are highly needed and appreciated.

    Thank you!

    Important Note:
    ALL kind of communications MUST be on the mailing list. Please, avoid using the facebook group for such kind of planing, discussing and brainstorming.