Thursday 10 April 2014

Minutes of [9-April-2014] ITA Weekly Meeting


Yet another great meeting yesterday. Sorry, I couldn't write and publish this earlier.

I'd like to thank all those who showed a great commitment and attended the meeting. Good luck to all those who couldn't attend and hope to see you on the next one.

Attending the weekly meetings, specially for the newcomers to our team is quite important.

For those who couldn't attend and for everyone who would like to follow our weekly meetings, kindly have a look at the Archive of our meetings.

[9-April-2014] ITA Weekly Meeting:

Minutes of The Meeting
  1. We're a group of volunteers and we do have busy real life (most of us are Master Degree Students) and therefore, everyone is required to show a great commitment and respect to this fact. That said, if you can't attend any meeting, kindly make sure to let the host (Atheer and/or Ali) know about it 'before' the meeting. We do understand if you failed to inform us 'before' the meetings if you have a special case.
  2. Starting from next meeting, we shall wait NO MORE than 5 minutes Maximum.
  3. ITA Sub-Teams Structure has been approved and starting from 10th of April, 2014 any member of ITA Team must find a Sub-Team to join. Any new member to ITA Team needs to join a Sub-Team as well. This is very important and a must.
  4. [Vote] 'Others' Sub-Team with 4 votes vs 1 vote to be renamed to 'Mac and Mac OS' Sub-Team. We can ask for a final vote on our Facebook Group.
  5. Any Member of ITA Team can join more than one Sub-Team, no problem with that.
  6. Team Leaders of any Sub-Team can only lead One Sub-Team, no more.
  7. Team Leaders of any Sub-Team can lead one team only and be members of any Sub-Team of their choice.
  8. Having 25 Sub-Teams is not a separation but rather for organization and administration purposes.
  9. When there is any project, more than one Sub-Team will work together, side by side on that project.
  10. [Suggestion/Vote] All the members of ITA Team to join The Brainstorming Sub-Team by default. We can ask for a final vote on our Facebook Group.
  11. We share tons of ideas. Sometimes, we forget an idea so in order to make sure that we will never miss anything, any member of ITA Team is required to send his/her idea(s) to: ita-team AT lists DOT launchpad DOT net - to reduce the spam, I have replaced (@) and (.) with "AT" and "DOT" - you need to back to the original symbols before using the email.
  12. Sarmed, Team Leader of Networking Sub-Team suggested to start publishing some successful stories on our Facebook Page. The idea was approved and accepted by the founders of ITA and the other members.
  13. It has been agreed to use: as our official channel on the Internet. In the future, we shall have a website but it is too early for that and until then, this blog will be used instead.
  14. ITA Team now has sisters and brothers. It is great to have both genders at the same team.
  15. A Jordanian Team is interested about our Team and they would like to talk to us so there might be a meeting between The Founders of ITA Team and the Jordanian Team. 

Again, I'd like to thank each and everyone who attended the meeting and good luck next time for all those who couldn't make it.

Let's move forward with a rock solid steps, as always and let's keep up the great work!

Many Thanks :)


  1. good things, you doing the best all time ALi

    1. 'WE' are doing the best, brother :D I'm nothing without all of you :D
      Thank you for your nice and kind words, appreciate that ...

  2. In continuous progress...
    Good luck, God willing.

    1. Thank you so much, really appreciate that :D
