Thursday 13 March 2014

ITA Team - Meeting #2

Hello World,

12-3-2014 Wed, we had our 2nd meeting in row on Google Hangout and below are the minutes and the decisions:

1- Leaders of ITA Team

2- Projects
  • iRQLinux: The very first Iraqi Operating System based on GNU/Linux.
  • Ali Miracle: Introduce one of the more talented and gifted Iraqi Programmer to the whole world.

3- Recruiting

4- Communications and Team Management
  • To Create a new Launchpad Team for ITA Team - DONE - See this.
  • Use the Mailing List Feature of Launchpad for daily communications - facebook is NOT the right platform for any kind of serious communications - DONE - see this.

5- Public Media
  • To Create a new Blog for ITA Team - DONE - See: ITA Team's Blog.
  • To Create a new Gmail account for ITA Team - TODO.
  • To Create YouTube Channel for ITA Team - TODO.
  • To Create Google+, Facebook and Twitter for ITA Team  - TODO.

6- Others
  • KISS (Keep It Simple and Short).
  • Always use the available resources instead of creating new from scratch. We don't need to re-invent the wheel.
  • Time is our worst challenges. The more time we save, the better.
  • Our main target and aim is Iraq and Iraqi people.
  • Sharing our knowledge and experience is a noble mission and priority.
  • All of us are smarter than anyone of us = Team Spirit.
  • There is no one within the team is better than the other. Each and everyone is equal and have a certain role to do.
  • Regular Meeting on Google Hangout to be recorded so the whole world can see what we are doing. We share our experience and our step-by-step Progress.
  • We always tend to ask for voting to maintain the team spirit and stay away from any kind of dictatorship. However, each and every decision to be made must 'first' be discussed by the 'Leaders/Founders' of ITA Team and if the 5 members (board) will vote for that, we ask the whole team to review and give their feedback.
  • Focus on the quality rather than the quantity.
  • Last but not least, we start from now to tell the whole world about our team. Tell your friend, mates, etc about this team. Let's get ourselves known.

It was a very long meeting, yet very important. The very first steps to establish the dream team has been accomplished successfully. Now, it is time for real fun and dazzling the world.

Thank you for reading and we're looking forward to work, side by side, with all of you!

On Behalf of ITA Team
Founder of iRQLinux
Co-Founder of ITA Team

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